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Discover indoor access points (APs) that support the latest in Wi-Fi 6 standards and AI capabilities.

Deployable in almost any environment.

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Not all indoor environments are the same

That’s why we provide the widest range of access points on Wi-Fi 6 and Wi-Fi 5 to deliver high performance, efficiency, and security.

  • We’ve invested in a full range of Wi-Fi 6 certified indoor APs to support enterprise growth in devices, mobility, and IoT.

  • AI is built into our APs to optimize user experience and eliminate sticky client issues.

  • To meet the needs of diverse enterprises, we offer the flexibility to manage wireless networks on premises or in the cloud using Aruba Central.
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The difference in Aruba products

Discover how Aruba can better support connectivity for modern devices — even in the densest of environments.


The latest advancements in wireless technology

Uses Aruba ClientMatch, OFDMA, MU-MIMO, and TWT to maximize network capabilities and allow for multiple high-bandwidth connections at any given time.


IoT-ready, right from the start

Wi-Fi 6 and Wi-Fi 5 APs include support for Zigbee and Bluetooth to simplify the deployment and management of IoT services.


Always-on Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi 6 APs provide resiliency and flexibility for 24/7 network access at multi-gigabit speeds — even during maintenance and unplanned outages. Plus, Aruba Air Pass provides seamless transitions from cellular to Wi-Fi for data and voice.

Get around-the-clock service and support with Aruba

Keep your network operating smoothly.

24/7 support

Contact technical support by phone. Or create a support case through the Aruba Support Portal (ASP).

Questions answered

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Updates and upgrades

Optimize and improve the performance of your products with software/firmware updates and upgrades.

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Questions? We're here to help.

From offering expert advice to solving complex problems, we've got you covered. Get in touch with a Aruba Networks Solutions Specialist today to learn more!