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Aruba Mobility Master
Next-gen master controller – Advanced WLAN performance with ArubaOS 8 for large networks

Aruba Mobility Master

Aruba Networks Products
Aruba Mobility Master
Aruba Virtual Mobility Master software with support for up to 500 devices
Our Price: $10,495.00
Aruba Virtual Mobility Master software with support for up to 1,000 devices
Our Price: $17,495.00
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Aruba Virtual Mobility Master software with support for up to 5,000 devices
Our Price: $28,995.00
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Aruba Virtual Mobility Master software with support for up to 10,000 devices
Our Price: $48,995.00
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Work environments are transforming to digital workplaces, with billions of mobile workers using their mobile devices for business critical services. Mobility, IoT and business critical applications are enabling these workers to be more productive and efficient, but at the same time driving up the demands on the network.

To enable an always-on network with the desired performance and user experience, enterprises must deliver an intelligent WLAN with advanced technologies to be more predictive, enable always-on connectivity, and improve network efficiency.

Aruba Mobility Master

The Aruba Mobility Master is the next generation of master controller that can be either deployed as a virtual machine (VM) or installed on an x86-based hardware appliance. The Mobility Master provides better user experience, flexible deployment, simplified operations and enhanced performance. Existing Aruba customers can migrate their master controller configuration and licenses over to the Mobility Master and start taking advantage of these unique capabilities.

Flexible Deployment

Customers have the flexibility of deploying a VM or an x86-based hardware appliance depending on their environment and needs. Customers who already have a VM environment can benefit from ease of operation and right-size their VM by adjusting their CPU or memory. Moving to a VM-based deployment that has more memory and compute allows you to manage more services on the network. The Virtual Mobility Master can run on open source KVM or VMware ESXi hypervisor.

Pricing Notes:

Aruba Networks Products
Aruba Mobility Master
Aruba Virtual Mobility Master software with support for up to 500 devices
Our Price: $10,495.00
Aruba Virtual Mobility Master software with support for up to 1,000 devices
Our Price: $17,495.00
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Aruba Virtual Mobility Master software with support for up to 5,000 devices
Our Price: $28,995.00
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Aruba Virtual Mobility Master software with support for up to 10,000 devices
Our Price: $48,995.00
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Aruba LIC-AP Controller per AP Capacity License E-LTU
Our Price: $75.00
Aruba LIC-PEF Controller Policy Enforcement Firewall Per AP License E-LTU
Our Price: $75.00
Aruba LIC-RFP Controller RFProtect Per AP License E-LT
Our Price: $75.00
Aruba LIC-AW Aruba Airwave with RAPIDS and VisualRF 1 Device License E-LTU
Our Price: $200.00
Aruba LIC-ENT Enterprise (LIC-AP LIC-PEF LIC-RFP and LIC-AW) Licence Bundle E-LTU
Our Price: $425.00