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Aruba Primary education network solutions
Bridge the digital divide

K-12 education network solutions

K-12 education requires solutions designed to support student success. Is your network ready to bridge the digital divide and connect every student to their education?


Related products for K-12 education network solutions

Smarter, more secure networks start with these products.

Empower learners, enable learning

Together, we can help you deliver education anywhere, enhance collaborative learning environments, and support student, staff, and faculty safety initiatives. Aruba can help you:

  • Fulfill your 1:1 initiatives and advance digital equity by connecting any device, regardless of location, with secure uninterrupted connectivity.
  • Provide reliable access to cloud applications to support student engagement and assess student learning.
  • Connect and leverage digital tools to create safe, secure, and smart campuses.
  • Automate and integrate IT tools to reduce burden on IT staff.


Key benefits of Aruba K-12 network solutions

Discover how Aruba creates stronger, modernized networks for elementary, middle, and high schools.

Unlock student potential and create a smart campus. Learn how Aruba ESP (Edge Services Platform) improves student and staff experiences and safety, protects your devices and data with Zero Trust Security, and automates your network with AI-powered management tools.

Read the Overview (PDF)

Adapt to ever-changing circumstances and address new digital and education demands as they arise. Create a smart campus while keeping everyone safe. Get the intelligent networking power you need with Aruba ESP, our next-generation, cloud-native architecture.

Learn More

Alleviate network life cycle planning and budgeting in a single, all-inclusive network-as-a-service (NaaS) offering through HPE GreenLake for Aruba. Learn how to access Aruba ESP K-12 solutions in a could-like manner through a monthly subscription for flexible consumption combined with the vast resources of HPE.

Learn more (PDF)

Define goals, optimize your network, and maximize your potential funding. Let’s work together to utilize the funding available to upgrade and maintain your network infrastructure.


Questions? We're here to help.

From offering expert advice to solving complex problems, we've got you covered. Get in touch with a Aruba Networks Solutions Specialist today to learn more!