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Aruba Retail networking solutions
Network that’s secure, agile, and autonomous

Retail networking solutions

Is your network ready for Retail at the Edge? Enable amazing digital experiences from edge to cloud with a network that’s secure, agile, and autonomous.


Related products for retail network solutions

Smarter, more secure networks start with these products.

Deliver exceptional experiences for demanding shoppers

Aruba can help you meet those demands and address competitive pressures with leading-edge technology.

  • We can help enable digital transformation to drive new services.
  • We can help you deliver smart digital shopping, in-store and out.
  • We can help you adapt to COVID-19 pandemic and post-pandemic expectations.
  • We can help you provide convenient and safe shopper and staff experiences.


Key benefits of Aruba retail solutions

Discover why businesses like yours look to us for smarter, more flexible networks.

Poor in-store connectivity can lead to shopper abandonment. Associates and customers need immediate access to inventory and speedy frictionless checkout services. With Aruba’s robust networking — you can keep everyone connected and happy.

Read the Aruba Retail Solution Overview (PDF)

Build a predictable and secure network infrastructure with Aruba EdgeConnect to enable amazing retail digital experiences from edge to cloud.

Read the solution overview (PDF)

Manage hundreds of locations with one solution. Discover how Aruba Central can help you improve operations, deliver services faster, and enhance shopping — all while relieving the burden on IT.

Bridge the physical and digital gaps with Aruba location analytics. Collect and analyze the WLAN and mobile devices to understand in-store buying patterns and provide helpful contextual assistance based on location.

Explore Location Analytics Products


Questions? We're here to help.

From offering expert advice to solving complex problems, we've got you covered. Get in touch with a Aruba Networks Solutions Specialist today to learn more!